Your New Money Mindset Foundation, with Harriette Hale – Part 1

by Amanda Abella  - January 19, 2021

Harriette Hale, the leading money mindset expert in Europe, talks about money mindset in 2021.

In addition to making sure my team and my systems and my processes and the money are squared away, I’ve committed more time, money, energy, and effort into making sure my money mindset is on point and Harriette has been a significant influence in my success last year.

Harriette understands why money mindset is so important – “Money mindset is everybody’s foundation at the moment. This past year has turned everything upside down for everyone. The way out of the mess from last year is an abundant mindset, which supports your soul destiny.”

How Harriette Became the Money Mindset Expert of Europe

She set up my first company as a teenager, hungry for success. Harriette was successful right off the bat because she was fearless in her decision making. However, with that young fearlessness came arrogance as well.

By the time she was in her early twenties, Harriette had brought in a substantial amount of money and made many business mistakes. “I basically got myself into a position where three of my employees decided to take my company from me. They took my intellectual property, clients, and staff. Then, they set up a competing company half a mile away from my location. I lost everything that I built up in those first four years literally overnight.”

Harriette was at the top of her game and found herself with no income in 24 hours. Without resources to rebuild, she was stuck with nowhere to go. In her personal life, she navigated a narcissistic abusive relationship, which led her to attempted suicide. “I’d gone into voluntary therapy. I was not in the best frame of mind. I was broken in every way.”

In her mid-twenties, she found herself on the verge of bankruptcy, extremely depressed, and anxious. “One day, I had that epiphany moment, like a come to Jesus moment.”

She understood that no one was going to save her. “I was at rock bottom, and I had no friends I could rely on as the betrayal was horrendous. I have no team, no staff, no money, no partner, no faith in humanity, or myself.” This was the moment she realized she had to dig herself out of her hole. ”

Harriette on Giving Her Power Away

“I was giving my power to so many things. And I think that’s probably why many people end up in these types of positions because they give their power away. They don’t realize how powerful they are.”

Harriette started rebuilding herself and her life. “Our company started with self-development as much as I had no money. I took out loans, credit cards. I started hiring coaches for my business, for my mindset, for my spiritual growth. I started going to yoga classes and flying all over the world to see these gurus and healers that could support me.”

Coaches to Support Her Through Transformation

She remembers spending 12,000 pounds, about $16,000 on a coach when she had absolutely nothing. “To do that, when you have absolutely nothing, it was ballsy, but I did this over the process of a few years and found myself in a position where my comeback was actually quite incredible.”

She started two new businesses when others recognized her accomplishments. They started approaching her to ask her how she came back from having nothing. “You were on your knees; how the hell have you done that?” Harriette told others about her mindset change, and in financial circles, she became known as the go-to person for solving problems.

From Being Coached to Becoming a Coach

From this experience, Harriette decided to start her coaching company, Golden Carrier. For her first lesson, she created lessons around a money mindset. “The first time I rolled out that course, I must have had eight people sign-on. Over the years, it’s just grown, and we now have thousands of people enrolling in the money courses.”

After creating her first course, she now has branched out to teach money consciousness. “I teach the rich mentality, and I’ve since become a priestess in my own right.” Focusing on numerology, astrology, psychic channel, psychic reading, and energy healing for personal growth, she uses this base to create a business strategy and digital marketing for her clients.

“I think for me, the biggest piece was realizing that I was my safest bet. Only I could save myself. If you can get into that mindset that’s abundance because you reclaim your power.”

How to Regain Your Personal Power

Harriette says that we give our power away and find ourselves in adverse situations and realities because we believe that everything is working against us. We think there’s no way out and that we’re stuck in a bad situation.

“It’s because we never stopped to question the reality and the beliefs that we were being presented with and accepted them as gospel.” These limiting beliefs that we accept become our standard and our foundation. However, when you start to question everything, you know it to be true; you can begin to pick apart this negative reality that doesn’t support you according to universal law. This mental foundation is at the core of what she teaches as a priestess.

Humanity’s True Foundation

Harriette states that the only truth, the only foundation, the only thing that is fundamentally true for every human being are the following three things: First, we are here to have a human, physical, emotional experience and use our experience to contribute to the collective consciousness. Second, we need to raise the planet’s vibration for the greatest, highest vertical. Third, we are here to express divinity through the human filter, and everything else is just an illusion.

Choose Your Empowering Belief and Create Your Own World

You can choose a more empowering belief and desire to see the world differently. Find the proof and the evidence and seek out a network of people who believe in the same. Beware of people who are crystallizing negative beliefs, who have negative narratives and negative things to say.

Conscientiously Choose Your Boundaries

Her advice for protecting yourself to thrive is to make sure you carefully choose your boundaries. Choose to bring into being conscious and abundant boundaries. Don’t entertain negative projections from other people or join others who want to be labeled a “victim.”

Harriette Hale on Law of Attraction

She started as a fully-fledged student advocate and pioneer of the law of attraction. Now, she has come to realize, “Every idea, every teaching, and methodology, is an energy in the form of consciousness that’s downloaded.” She likens this to information we carry around on our planet in our bodies as an individual human vessel.

Harriette knows that evolution happens. “When consciousness comes through somebody – let’s call it imagination.” A particular piece of consciousness comes into human consciousness. We can’t understand one part of conscientiousness without context. Information that was downloaded in the Piscean Age has evolved as the wheel turned in 2012 into the Aquarian age. “We’re a completely different level of evolution, consciousness, interaction, understanding everything now to where we were back when the law of attraction was downloaded.”

She talks about the Piscean Age information as being “old software” because “as human beings develop and evolve consciousness develops and evolves. Therefore, using teaching that’s hundreds of years old without the updates is going to cause many people to run into problems.”

The 11 Laws of Co-Creation

Instead of one law of attraction on how to manifest your life, there are 11, and one of these is the law of co-creation. Abundance is another law, with the remaining nine laws broken down into the stages of the manifesting process into key areas in all aspects of our lives.

I’m currently taking Harriette’s course on the 11 laws, and I love it because it’s so meaty. Another reason I love her course is that she has the ability to translate this information for my different kind of brain.


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

Your New Money Mindset Foundation, with Harriette Hale - Part 2

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