How to Leverage the Law of Assumption (and ignore your 3D reality!)

by Amanda Abella  - July 19, 2022

If you’ve been studying the law of assumption, then you’ve probably heard people talking about how to ignore your 3D reality.

Here is how to ignore your 3D reality so you can get results in your life!

The Law of Assumption

The law of assumption states that you get what you expect in life, not what you want or desire.

It’s about what you expect to happen in your life.

Challenges with Harnessing the Law of Assumption

The first challenge in taking advantage of the Law of Assumption is that, in general, people do not expect very much out of their lives. Instead, they expect things to go horrifically wrong. I definitely struggle with this negative mindset; we all do. We’re all human and conditioned to think negatively by society. In addition, most of us have not been taught how to use our minds productively.

What we’ve been taught is how to react. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed in the last few years, but people don’t know how to think. So since we’re not taught how to use our minds to be productive and get the results we want, we experience a lag in manifesting what we truly desire.

I’ve noticed frequently in my own life and clients’ lives that sometimes your situation can get worse before it gets better. I’ve been going through that in the last few months. So if that’s you, I understand entirely.

However, you need to take a step back to review your life. What you have to do in those circumstances is to learn how to ignore your 3D reality, ignore your senses. The reality is that an absence of evidence doesn’t mean that what you’re looking for doesn’t already exist.

In fact, the lifestyle you want does exist! So let’s go into how to ignore your 3D reality where you live on planet Earth.

How to Ignore Your 3D Reality

To properly ignore your reality, you must access the Law of Polarity. In general, the Law of Polarity states that one thing can exist without the other, so evil cannot exist without good. A problem cannot exist without a solution, and wealth cannot exist without poverty. Every experience and situation is on a spectrum. If you want to make more money, know that the money already exists – it’s already in your orbit. However, you may not be aware of the money yet.

Know this – if you’re focused solely on the problem and the lack of money, you won’t be able to see the solution. But, once you can see the solution, you now have options that you didn’t know were there.

How to Find a Solution Using the Law of Polarity

The solution to your problem may not look like what you expect.

Do you want to make more money in your business? Well, you have to sell and promote.

The solution exists; you must be willing to do the work and take on what’s necessary to achieve your goals.

Shift Your Perception

Another step to ignoring your 3D reality is to shift your perception of the problems you are experiencing. And since many of us have been taught to play small and avoid problems, this mindset keeps us from reaching our goals.

This comes down to how you choose to perceive what’s happening in your 3D reality. You can choose your reality as negative, as an experience that’s gonna take you out of the game. You can use these scenarios as excuses as to why you’re never gonna get what you want.

Or you can use these experiences as a sign. You can reflect and discover what this experience is trying to teach you. When you figure out what direction you can go in to make things happen, then you can take action and start yourself down the right path.

These are my tips for ignoring your 3D reality. So when you are trying to manifest using the law of assumption, make sure to bring in the Law of Polarity!

Did I mention we’re doing free weekly training, covering everything from offer creation to sales? Plus, you’ll be in there with a network of other badass women coaches. So make sure to join us by texting the word, join to 833-321-0314.

And remember to Make Money, Your Honey!


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

How to Get and Stay Focused in Your Coaching Business

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