Arielle Ford worked in publishing for many years. “I was a book publicist and a literary agent.” With clients such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Don Miguel Ruiz, and other famous figures of the new age self-help movement, Arielle has worked with the top new age figures of the past two decades.
She loved her publishing business. However, one day in 2004, she woke up and decided she couldn’t work in her publishing business. “I shut the business down and had no game plan until our mutual friend Gay Hendricks happened to call me.”
Gay asked Arielle to drive up to meet him. Since she had no game plan and figuring she had nothing to lose, she drove to his home. “He told me about his concept for a startup business called the Spiritual Cinema Circle, which was a DVD club specializing in uplifting moods.”
He wanted Arielle to be his partner without upfront money. Her role was to provide sweat equity, and she would receive a share of the profit. Although she wouldn’t usually accept a proposition such as this, she dove in. “Three years later we sold the business for $6 million.”
“Every morning when I wake up, I want to leap out of bed because I’m excited about the day ahead of me, where I’m doing stuff that’s creative and productive and financially viable and feeling happy. Satisfying. I love that!”
Manifesting from Your Desires
Deepak Chopra says that the seeds for our desire are proof that our passion can be manifested. “My desire at that time was to go into a new financially viable creative business with people that I enjoyed being with.” She didn’t need to know how it would happen or how the plan was going to unfold.
Even though you don’t know what you might be doing in business, you want to put what you want into the universe. “Even if you don’t know in advance what will happen, what I do know is what I’m really good at.”
Failing and Surviving in Business Decisions
Arielle isn’t a stranger to failing and getting back on her feet. “The advantage of getting to a certain age in life where you’ve lived enough to know that you can survive anything.” Even if you have the best partner in the world, you can be at odds with them. It knows how to get through the tough times that count.
She believes in the universe’s fundamental laws, which read, one step forward, two steps back. Growth is about expansion and contraction. Some days you are hitting your mark, and others won’t be so great.
Take Action with the Law of Attraction
“So here’s the paradox in the law of attraction and order for the law of attraction to work. You have to go into action. The word action is an attraction. You need to take the appropriate steps to align with the universe to make your dream happen.”
I agree with her that hoping, wishing, dreaming, and pining for a soulmate won’t get you one. It would be best if you were out and about meeting others. When you combine desire with action, you get results. “Be totally comfortable and do everything within your power to make it happen. You’re knowing and trusting that on the unseen plane. You can ask all you want, but if you’re not taking action, nothing’s going to happen.”
Love Coaching by Arielle Ford
These days, Arielle provides coaching to women looking for love, and her clients have a few things in common. They’re all over 45, successful in their careers, and consider themselves spiritual. The problem is that they have a hard time understanding that they’re all living in this romantic comedy scene of what it’s meant to be; he will find me. They all want to meet somebody organically, and that doesn’t happen anymore. “You need to know how to date successfully online,” says Arielle. If it’s not working for you, then you aren’t doing the process right.
Why Money is the #1 Cause of Divorce
“Money is still the number one cause of divorce.” She suggests being open and transparent about money to become an issue later in your relationship. When Arielle and her husband got together, they had three accounts. “I had my money, he had his money and then we had our money. Cause I’m a control freak, especially around money.” They were able to come up with agreements about how much money either of us could spend. Money issues are ongoing, but you have to be able to talk about them.
The Importance of Silencing Your Inner Critic Voice
Your inner critic voice is constantly barfing all over you! You couldn’t, shouldn’t, you didn’t lose her. We need to start changing this conversation. Charge what you’re worth, negotiate your worth. I’ve come to realize we’re inherently right. Our two biggest core wounds are self-worth and self-love.
Oprah has interviewed many people. Arielle tells us the story of how even though she had interviewed outstanding and successful individuals, they all ask if their interview was OK! Everybody has some form of imposter syndrome or doubts they did a great job. It doesn’t matter if you’re Sir Paul McCartney and you’ve written millions of hits; there’s self-doubt in each of us.
What Do Men Need in a Relationship?
Arielle says it comes down to acknowledgment. “They want to be acknowledged. I think that will make almost any man really happy.” She suggests telling him he’s brilliant or that he has a brilliant idea. She references a study done with 80,000 men, and they were looking to see what’s the one thing men want more than sex.
“They want to be respected. They want to give their opinions. They want you to ask for advice. What they don’t want to do is cry on your shoulder and share their feelings deeply, unless it’s an appropriate kind of situation. So if your husband, boyfriend, comes home from work, and you can tell they’re terribly stressed out, don’t ask them if they want to talk about how they feel.” Instead, she suggests handing them a beer martini or their favorite glass of wine and the remote control. Then, lead them over to their favorite chair so they can watch TV. And then, if you want to talk, I’ll be in the kitchen. And then, when they’re ready to talk, they’ll talk.
Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:
- Free Facebook Group: High Ticket Sales For Women Coaches and Course Creators
- Persuade To Profit
- Make Money Your Honey Book
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- You can learn more about Arielle and her work at