Deanna, an Instagram follower of mine, recently reached out to me and asked how you can learn about your purpose and how to find your gift. While I was able to speak to Deanna personally, I wanted to share my thoughts with my community as well.
It seems as if so many people wonder how someone can find their purpose in life. I’m sharing what I think and how you can go out and find your gift!
How To Find Your Gift
I believe we all have a purpose and a gift. If you aren’t using your gift, you’re doing the world a disservice. There are so many things that our gifts can solve. Our gifts can help so many people. However, it can be hard to find our gift and know what to do with it.
There’s no one size fits all equation that can help you find your gift. But self-reflection and self-inquiry can help. You get an idea, start putting one foot in front of the other and keep following that path.
For example, in 2010, when I graduated from college and couldn’t find a job, I went out in search of my gift. I knew I wanted to be a writer. I didn’t know that I’d be running a 6-figure company. But I had an inkling that my gift was writing, and I wanted to pursue it. I remember that I even googled “How to make money freelance writing”.
It wasn’t until my 20s that I practiced meditation and stillness when things finally started manifesting. I knew what I had to work with and I just went with it, experimenting and trying.
Sometimes We Know
Sometimes, we know what we want to be and what our gifts are. For example, I know women who knew they were made to be mothers, even when they were little girls. But sometimes, our gifts are put on the backburner, either through societal norms or through social conditioning.
Whether you already know or just have an inkling of what your gift is, it’s important to explore, try different things, fail, get back up and try again. There’s nothing wrong with taking the time to meditate, journal, fail, try again, test things out, and more. Self-reflection is a huge component to learning how to find your gift, and it also helps you really make connections in the things you love and what you’re good at.