Getting Over Your Fear of Sales by Surrendering with Caitlin Doemner

by Amanda Abella  - September 21, 2021

Caitlin is one of my sales trainers who I absolutely love! I recently completed her Referrals on Demand class, which was fabulous for so many reasons!

I’m always excited when I find another woman who’s really good at sales, which is why I had her as my featured guest.

How Caitlin Choose Sales as a Career

After receiving her Master’s degree, she tried many different entrepreneurial jobs, including real estate, residential care, and teaching art.

However, “I was perpetually failing at entrepreneurship.”

She then concluded that she could be a consultant because she now knew how to launch a business.

The Fear of Sales

“I hired a business coach and he liked what I was doing enough that he offered for me to work with him on his sales team.” But, having a fear of being on the phone, along with not liking sales,  he assigned her to his sales trainer Nate.

Nate instructed her to call people and see if they were interested. Then, she could book a call on the calendar, and Nate would close them. She thought, “I love getting to know people, hearing about their problems and connecting them with the solution. Little did I know that was selling. It was a referral that got me on the phone and we closed the deal over zoom.”

Funnels vs Phone

These days, consumers and business owners are getting savvier. They are aware of automated emails and sales pitches. So your best bet to land the sale is to pick up the phone and talk to your potential client.

Caitlin has seen this process work in action.

“In a recent campaign, 60% of the sales came in because the team picked up the phone and called. We more than doubled what the launch would have done, because we had a phone-based sales team.”

She recommends picking up the phone to call as the phone is a critical component.

Outreach on the Four Channels

The #1 digital marketing outreach you can find new clients is from posting on social media. Social media is fantastic for starting a conversation. At this point, you can bring them into your email list, to a phone call, then into snail mail. Use the channels that you’ve been given to reach them so that they hear you in all directions.

Remember, the hottest leads will come through referrals. When you do a good job and keep in touch with people through one of your four channels, then you can connect deeply with your people.

“And the beautiful thing is even if you’re brand new, that’s what you need to do to get the market research so that you can create an irresistible offer so that you can go and do outbound marketing.”

Changing Your Fear Mindset

If you are trying to sell with fear in your head, then you’ve got to fix your response.

“Recognize fear as resistance,” Caitlin says that anytime she is in a state of resistance, fear will show up. “When I know I need to make calls, but I’m washing my dishes, checking my email, or fixing my sales page, I’m experiencing resistance. Resistance can show up as procrastination. Make sure to acknowledge your fear, and then start dealing with it,” suggests Caitlin.

This will give you the ability to close bigger and better deals in your business.

Changing Your Mindset and Transformation

She emphasizes that to change your mindset, you’ll need to make space in your thought process.

“When you are holding sacred space for transformation,  the act of selling is changing their life and you guys need to own that at a gut level.”

Charging What You’re Worth

Charging what your worth is essential for giving your service value.  If you’re undercharging and you don’t know how to sell your shit in a way that people can hear you, then change your sales pitch in a way your potential customer will feel the value that you’re providing.

“You might be wonderful, but clients are buying the results you can create.” And then, you can tie those results to a quantifiable return on investment. Even if you’re selling happiness, right. Guaranteed. We can quantify happiness. Right. So it’s just, how do we figure out the results and find out some key metrics that you measure before they start your program and after they go through your program, So that you can say, this is the story arc.

When people aren’t closing, they think it’s a funnel problem. However, the issue lies in understanding people in your market and what you do for them. At this point, the most challenging part of sales is covered, which is confidence and conviction.

Are You Creating a Hobby or a Business?

To build a business, you need to get clear. Do you want a hobby or a profitable business?

Listen to what people tell you, and then give them what they actually need.

“They may think that they want sales, but they need good mindset. But you sell them sales and then give them mindset training.”

Caitlin suggests giving them the whole package and addressing the market need.

Open a Channel for Wisdom

An open channel for your wisdom and your passion gives you the ability to flow through your talents from yourself into the world. Right. “I am realizing it’s not me, it’s the great spirit that’s coming through me. And my job is to get out of the fucking way.”

Remember, you are the vessel for your message. You are the vessel, and that’s why you have to put yourself out there. Your gift to God is developing your talent, going out there, and developing your skillset to serve others.

Surrendering is part of being able to open a channel. “I only started this surrender experiment after reading The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer over spring break.” This book was a game-changer for Caitlin because she asked God if she needed to do something different and leave her current position.

“When I came back from spring break after a week, I had 13 sales calls booked on my calendar. Within 30 days, I had closed $65,000 that had not been on my radar previously.” Caitlin says that every time she surrenders and lets go, the creator shows up ‘in such a big, fantastic way that for me, I’m wondering what else can I surrender?’

If you want to find out how you can achieve more sales through the mindset of surrendering, then check out Caitlin at Go Sales Map and find out how you can build your mindset and learn to delegate by joining the Make Money Your Honey Community and start building and scaling your company today!


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

Activating and Scaling Your Business Model with Fabienne Fredrickson

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