Canva Magic Write: How To Create Quick, Easy, and Professional Info Products

by Amanda Abella  - January 26, 2023

In this week’s video, we’re showing you how to use  Canva Magic Write to create info products in 10 minutes or less. Info Products are a great way to earn passive income online, grow your email list and start sales conversations with potential customers.

In this tutorial, you will see exactly how I used Canva Magic Write to create an AI Tools Resource List for our community. By the way, you can download the Resource List here.

Canva Magic Write Tutorial

Watch the video below for the full Canva Magic Write Tutorial.

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Info Products Are a Great Way to Grow Your Email List

Info Products are educational products that you can sell online. You can also use them to grow your email list and start sales conversations with potential prospects.

For example, my team asked me to create an AI Resource List for our past clients so she could thank them for being customers. It’s great business and strikes up conversation that can lead to referrals, upsells, cross sells all kinds of stuff.

In addition to sending it to all of our past clients, we can also use it to grow our email list. Our YouTube channel is becoming known for AI Marketing tutorials, so what better opt in than a PDF that lists all the tools we’ve mentioned and all the video tutorials? It’s an extremely valuable resource on a hot topic.

Once again, you can download the guide for free here.

How I Made an Info Product in Ten Minutes Using Canva Magic Write

My team asked me to create this resource during our team meeting at 9:30am. By 10:20 the resource was completed. By 11:00am we also had the entire funnel, autoresponder campaign and video tutorial for YouTube complete. By 12pm, we also had this blog post.

Since I’m all about work smart not hard, I duplicated high performing campaigns, edited some of the emails and simply recorded myself making the infoproduct since I knew people would be searching for it on YouTube.

Now here is how I made the info product in 10 minutes:

  1. I went to my Canva account.
  2. I clicked on Docs
  3. I used the Canv Magic Write tool to create and introduction and list
  4. I spent some time editing the colors and images
  5. Added in a couple of sections with video links and affiliate links to the tools.

And it was done in10 minutes.

To give you an idea, this used to take a lot longer. We would have to write every word, edit the images, edit the template etc. With Canva Docs and Canva Magic Write all it took was a few minutes and my team had it in their hands so they could use it for the sales activities.

AI and AI Marketing are definitely the way of the future. In such short amounts of time we’ve been able to 5x our marketing while saving a ton of time and money. If you haven’t done so already, make sure to download the AI Resource Guide Here.


How I Stopped Doing All The Things And Scaled My Business

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