2024 Holistic Online Business Reset: What’s Next for the Make Money Your Honey Podcast

by Amanda Abella  - February 20, 2024

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Join Amanda Abella on a special 2024 reset episode of the Make Money Your Honey podcast, where she shares a candid life and business update after a brief hiatus. From her global adventures and obtaining Mexican residency to launching the transformative Effortless Sales Engine program, Amanda opens up about the pivotal changes that have realigned her approach to business and life to create what she now calls a holistic online business. With a focus on building a holistic life that doesn’t sacrifice fulfillment for financial success, this episode promises insights into living more and working smart. Tune in to discover how Amanda transitioned to a soft life business model, generating a six-figure income with significant automation and strategic partnerships, and what’s in store for the podcast’s future, including upcoming interviews with industry luminaries. Don’t miss this journey of growth, balance, and the pursuit of a fulfilling lifestyle without the hustle.



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Want step-by-step details on how to build a platform that allows you to sell one-to-many instead one-to-one? Apply for Effortless Sales Engine



As we step into 2024, I want to share a deeply personal and transformative journey that has reshaped not just my business, but my entire approach to life and success. This year marks a significant reset for me and the Make Money Your Honey community. It’s a reflection of growth, change, and the pursuit of a life that values fulfillment over constant hustle.

The Journey of Transformation

Ten years ago, when I started as a financial blogger, I could never have envisioned the journey ahead. Make Money Your Honey began as a book, a labor of love, and has since evolved into a beacon for those seeking a more balanced approach to entrepreneurship. Today, it encompasses a top-rated podcast, a YouTube channel, and our signature Effortless Sales Engine program.

A Year of Living, Learning, and Loving

The past few months have been a whirlwind of travel, from Mexico to Miami and beyond, culminating in a residency in Mexico. This time of exploration was not just about geographical locations but about introspection and realignment. Amidst this, we launched our first cohort of the Effortless Sales Engine program, a testament to our commitment to help entrepreneurs thrive without the relentless grind.

The Effortless Sales Engine: A New Paradigm

This program embodies our philosophy of creating a business that works for you, not the other way around. It’s about building systems and automations that serve as your digital salesperson, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Our journey has proven that it’s possible to maintain a six-figure business while living a life of adventure and growth, with over 60% of our clients coming through YouTube and referrals.

Redefining Success

Our approach challenges the conventional metrics of success. It’s not about the endless pursuit of more but about finding a balance that brings joy and fulfillment. This year, we aim to dive deeper into this conversation, bringing you interviews with thought leaders, neuroscientists, and successful entrepreneurs who share this vision.

Looking Ahead: A Year of Insightful Conversations

As we move forward, Make Money Your Honey will continue to explore the intersection of money, work, and personal fulfillment. We’re setting the stage for thoughtful, in-depth discussions that challenge the status quo and offer new perspectives on achieving success without sacrificing our well-being.
This episode is more than just a catch-up; it’s an invitation to join us on this journey of discovery. As we navigate the complexities of modern entrepreneurship, we’re committed to providing you with the tools, insights, and inspiration to design a life and business that truly satisfies.

A Soft Life Business: The Ultimate Goal

Our vision for 2024 and beyond is to build a community where success is measured by the quality of our lives, not just our bank accounts. We’re on a mission to demonstrate that with the right strategies and mindset, achieving a “soft life” business is not just a dream but a tangible reality.
Data-Driven Marketing vs. Intuition: Finding the Right Balance for Your Business

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