Make Money Your Honey Mastermind

We mix the mystical, mental and practical to help you achieve the results you're looking for in business and life.

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I Know What It's Like to Struggle With Money

A few years ago I was on my way to a 7-figure training business and breakneck speed when my entire life fell apart. I lost all my money, my relationships were a disaster, I was no closer to my dreams of living abroad and to make things more interesting - I was struggling with one family health crisis after another. I broke down.

In that breakdown, I sought the help of a mentor whose expertise was in neuroscience and she broke my world wide open by teaching me how the brain works. From there, I would rebuild my entire life based on a different set of values and acheive what I actually desired at lightning speed. The relationship, the living abroad and the business that mostly ran on autopilot happened in 18 months after I'd spent years struggling and striving.

Prior to this, there were two fundamental mistakes I'd made that I see people making all the time.

I Didn't Understand How My Brain Worked

Because my brain was conditioned and wired for scarcity and fear, the more money I made the more fearful I became and the more I would sabotage. My brain was trying to keep my safe. I worked with a neuroscience expert to rewire my brain to not just allow money, but abundance in all forms. In this program, I share the proprietary method I created to rewire your mind for money.

I Didn't Understand Energetic Capacity

I didn't understand the role of my energy or alignment. Because I didn't understand the concepts of energy and capacity, I hustled my way way past my limits and collapsed. Now I understand how to maintain my energy and GROW my capacity for more. This led to manifesting my partner, a six-figure business that now runs mostly on autopilot and moving to Mexico.

What We Offer in the Make Money Your Honey Mastermind

How to Use Universal Law to Get Results - No Matter What Challenge You Face

We help you understand and implement the seven main laws that govern the universe and guarantee you'll get results every time.

Your Brain and Results

We show you how your brain has been programmed and how to change that programming so you can get results more easy with less pain and less sabotage. Plus we'll show you how to expand your capacity for MORE without frying your nervous system in the process.

Access to All of Our Live Programs

Hop into our live sales training and scaling program cohorts at any time.

Access to All of Our Courses and Masterclasses

You get every single course, masterclass and product we've ever put out including courses on getting media attention, money mindset courses, sales bootcamps and more.

This is Part of Our Manifesting Principles We Teach

Make Money Your Honey Mastermind

We focus on:

Money Without Burnout

Rewiring Your Mind

Expanding Your Capacity for More

With over 15 years of experience in digital marketing, 1MM views on content and seven figures in sales generated for ourselves and clients while helping them avoid burnout, we know how to rewire the mind for results.

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Adina generated an additional $4,000 in sales in just 2 weeks after training.

limited bonus features

The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of your product. This could be an outline of chapters in your ebook, lessons in your course, modules in your coaching program etc. The reader should come away from this with a very clear idea of what they will get for their money.

Stages of a Feminine CEO Training

Our secret sauce to creating a business in your feminine that makes money WITHOUT constant grind, struggle or burning out.

Universal Laws Masterclasses

A breakdown of the universal spiritual teachings that allow you to attract money, love and anything else you could possibly desire.

Money Mindset Subliminals

Listen to these subliminals while working or sleeping to rewire your mind when it comes to money,

Pay In Full Bonus: Private Call with Amanda or a member of her team

Get expert coaching to help you bust through your limiting beliefs.

See Our Client Wins

What Makes Us Different?

We test everything extensively before we teach it so we have the data to back it up:

Over 100,000 emails sent on behalf of ourselves, partners and clients.

Nearly 1MM views on our content - including TikToks with over 200k views.

Over seven figures in sales generated for ourselves and for clients.

Over 400 TV, radio and podcast interviews.

We've worked across industries including coaching, real estate, financial advisors, beauty, education and more.

We haven't just created business success though, we've also created success and tested the methods we teach for mindset.

I've  trained under experts in Neuroscience.
I'm a certified holistic practitioner.

I've  rebuilt my life to now include a six figure business that runs mostly on autopilot, the partnership of my  dreams, traveling often and moving to Mexico.

I even manifested the dog I always wanted - a golden retriever.

The Investment

Pay In Full

$25,000 for the year.

Save $5,000. Pay in Full Bonus: Four private quarterly calls.

Monthly Payments

$2500 per month

Split your payments over the 12 months.

What Are You Waiting For? 

There's absolutely NO RISK with our 7-day Money Back Guarantee.


Do I get access to everything at once?

Yes. We don't believe in holding out on information. We want people to get results as quickly as possible.

Do I have lifetime access?

You have access for as long as you are a member of the mastermind.

Is there support?

Yes, A LOT. Three calls per month plus if you pay in full you get a bonus of an additional four private calls (one per quarter).

What is your refund policy?

You have a 7-day money back guarantee. Just show us you went through the videos and did the work, and we'll happily refund the money within 7 days.

Is this different than Your Other programs? 

This is the big kahuna for business owners who are ready not just to build a real business, but to build a successful life to match it. This is our most holistic program with the most access.

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See How Easily You Can Attract More Abundance

It's a lot easier than you think with the right strategy and guidance from someone whose methods have been tried and tested.